Configuring Targets

Configuring Targets

Configure a Target

Administrator Activity

You must have administrator permissions to create and configure Cloud Foundry targets

  1. In Bamboo, go to Administration | Cloud Foundry | Configuration.
  2. Select the Credentials tab.
  3. Select Create Credentials and enter your cloudfoundry.com credentials.
  4. (Optional) If you are behind a proxy server, select the Proxy Servers tab and configure a proxy server.
  5. Select Create Target
    1. Enter CloudFoundry.com in the URL field
    2. Enter http://api.run.pivotal.io in the URL field. Other Cloud Foundry v2 compatible platforms may be substituted for Pivotal's public offering.
    3. Select the credentials you entered in step 3.
  6. Save the target.
  7. After creating the target, you can can select it from the Available Targets list to verify the configuration.