User Provider Services Task

User Provider Services Task

The User Provided Services Task allows you to create new user provide services and populate their "credentials".  To create a new user provided service, you will need to provide a name for the service and provide the credentials JSON.

Service Name

The service must have a unique name. If the service already exists and "Ignore If Already Exists" is not checked, the task will fail. To update a user provided service, you must unbind all apps from the service, delete the service, and then recreate it.

Credentials Data

The credentials data is the data that goes into the "credentials" object in the service. For example, if you specified the following for a service named "mydb"

	hostname: "db.example.com",
    port: "1234",
    username: "dbuser",
    password: "dbpasswd",
    name: "mydb"

your service will be 

  user-provided: [
      name: "mydb",
      label: "user-provided",
      tags: [ ],
      credentials: {
        hostname: "db.example.com",
        port: "1234",
        username: "dbuser",
        password: "dbpasswd",
        name: "mydb"

You can specify the credentials data inline within the task configuration or within a file available at task execution time. When you specify the data inline, you may use Bamboo variables for substitution at task execution time.